Marshmallow Monster
2 (1 ½ x 1 ½ inches) jumbo extra-large marshmallows
2 sturdy (hard paper or molded plastic) drinking straws
1/2 cup (about 40 discs) green candy melts
1/4 cup (about 20 discs) black candy melts
2 small pretzel sticks
4 small candy eyes
Red edible writing gel
Whipped Cream
1 cup Cass-Clay Heavy Whipping Cream
2 tablespoons sugar
½ teaspoon vanilla
6 scoops (3 cups packed) Cass-Clay Mint Chocolate Chip or Vanilla Ice Cream, slightly softened
½ cup Cass-Clay Milk
Green food coloring, if desired
Halloween decorator sprinkles
- To make marshmallow monsters, push one straw into the flat end of each marshmallow.
- Melt green candy melts according to package directions. Spoon melted green candy over marshmallows completely coating; smooth candy coating. If needed candy melts can be reheated. Stand marshmallows up in heavy drinking glass that is slightly shorter than straws. Let straws rest on side of glass so marshmallows are not touching the glass. Refrigerator 5 minutes to set candy coating.
- Melt black candy melts according to package directions. Dip top of each marshmallow in melted black candy to create hair; using toothpick roughen hair and add hair along and over top edge of marshmallow. Refrigerator 5 minutes to set candy coating.
- Break off 4 (½-inch) pieces of small pretzel sticks. Dip in melted black candy to coat ¼ inch of each pretzel piece. Place on waxed paper; refrigerate 5 minutes to set candy coating.
- Reheat black candy melts if needed. To create monster face, using toothpick coat back of each eye with melted black candy. Press 2 eyes onto one side of each marshmallow. Carefully push non-candy coated end of pretzels into marshmallow to form “bolts” on both sides of monster’s neck. Using toothpick drag or drizzle melted black candy to form zigzag mouth. Using red edible writing gel add scars to monster’s face. Set aside monster marshmallows.
- To make whipped cream, in large mixer bowl beat whipping cream at medium high speed until soft peaks form. Add sugar and vanilla; continue beating until stiff peaks form. Set aside.
- To make MILKshake, combine ice cream and milk in blender. Add green food coloring, if desired. Blend on low for 10 to 15 seconds or until ingredients start to incorporate; scrape sides. Blend on medium-high until mixture is desired consistency.
- Pour into chilled milkshake glasses; top with whipped cream and sprinkles. Place straw with monster marshmallow into each MILKshake resting monster on whipped cream.
Spooky Spider MILKshake. Instead of marshmallow monsters make marshmallow spiders. White candy melts and chocolate sprinkles are required. Coat marshmallows with melted white candy. To make each spider, spray no-stick cooking spray on inside of round 1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon metal measuring spoons. Fill with melted black candy. Refrigerate 5 minutes or until set. Tap firmly on countertop to release set candy from measuring spoons. Using toothpick coat flat back of larger round with melted black candy. Press onto side of marshmallow to form spider body. Repeat with smaller round to create spider head (it will hang over top edge of marshmallow about half way). Using toothpick drizzle and drag melted black candy to create 4 spider legs on each side of spider body. Using toothpick, coat back of each eye with melted black candy. Press 2 eyes onto top of spider head. To make spider web garnish, melt black candy melts. Place in small disposable plastic piping bag fitted with small round tip or in small food-safe plastic freezer bag with small piece of one bottom corner cut off to create a piping bag. Pipe spider web designs onto waxed or parchment paper. Refrigerate to set; carefully remove from paper. Prepare MILKshake with Chocolate Chip or Vanilla Ice Cream. Pour into chilled milkshake glasses; top with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles. Place straw with spider marshmallow into each MILKshake resting on whipped cream. Garnish with spider web.
Creepy Eyeball MILKshake. Instead of marshmallow monsters make marshmallow eyeballs. White candy melts, 2 large dark chocolate chips or discs are required. Coat marshmallows with melted green candy. To make each eyeball, spray no-stick cooking spray on inside of round 1 tablespoon metal measuring spoon. Fill with melted white candy. Refrigerate 5 minutes to set. Tap firmly on countertop to release set candy. Using toothpick coat flat back of round with melted white candy. Center and press onto side of marshmallow. Using toothpick coat back of large chocolate chip and press onto center of white eyeball. Using red edible writing gel add squiggly lines to white eyeball. Prepare MILKshake using Strawberry Ice Cream or vanilla. Add red food coloring, if desired. Pour into chilled milkshake glasses; top with whipped cream and sprinkles. Place straw with eyeball marshmallow into each MILKshake resting on whipped cream.
Jack-O-Lantern MILKshake. Instead of marshmallow monsters make marshmallow Jack-O-Lanterns. Orange candy melts, green candy melts, black candy melts and pretzel sticks are required. Coat marshmallows with melted orange candy. To make each Jack-O-Lantern, break off 2 (½-inch) pieces of small pretzel sticks. Dip in melted green candy to coat ¼ inch of each pretzel piece. Place on waxed paper; refrigerate 5 minutes to set candy coating. Using toothpick drag or drizzle melted black candy to form eyes and mouth. Carefully push non-candy-coated end of pretzels into top of marshmallow to form pumpkin stem. Prepare MILKshake as directed above. Pour into chilled milkshake glasses; top with whipped cream and sprinkles. Place straw with Jack-O-Lantern marshmallow into each MILKshake resting on whipped cream.